Tri-City Transitions

Dating Safely 101: On the Date

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This is a 3-part blog series on dating safely.  We invite you to read the blogs on preparing for the date; during the date; and after the date and provide your feedback by posting a comment below the article. If you’d like to see a particular topic on the blog, feel free to suggest one to us!

Dating Safely 101: On the Date

You’re on a date and things are… getting awkward. The silences are dragging on.  Your date’s not what you expected. This might become a funny story later…  But for now, what to do? How do you escape this uncomfortable situation?

Man saying awkward alert









Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Provide your own transportation
    • If you need to leave you don’t want to have to wait for your date, especially if you want to leave without them. Take public transit, a taxi, or have a friend drop you off and pick you up.
  • Reschedule if you need to
    • If your date has a problem rescheduling to make you feel comfortable, they probably aren’t who you want to be with. How they choose to respond to your request says a lot about their character.
  • Bring a friend
    •   Having a friend in the area can be calming. They don’t have to be right next to you, but a nearby pal can act as your backup if you need to leave.
  • Drink responsibly
    • If you don’t want to have to worry about watching your drink or your alcohol intake, skip drinks for the night. It is your choice to want or have a drink-free evening. If your date pushes you to drink, be aware- it might be a sign that you shouldn’t.
  • You don’t owe them anything
    • You are equally entitled to feel comfortable in the pacing of the date. Don’t let them pressure you into anything before you’re ready.
  • Trust your instincts
    • Don’t be afraid to leave if you get the feeling that this date isn’t going well. It might feel taboo to leave in the middle of a date but if you are not comfortable then you have every right to leave. If you really need an excuse, get a friend to call you or use an app such as Bad Date Rescue.

Homer Simpson leaving fading into a bush

Unless you have some kind of superpower, not every date will be a success. We hope these tips help you avoid some awkward silences and- better yet- ensure your safety. You’ll be entertaining your party guests for years to come with the stories of your near-misses.

This is the second installment of a three-part series. Read Part One if you missed it! Come back tomorrow to learn how to reflect on your dating woes (Part Three).