Organize an Event

Home / Organize an Event

Fundraising Event Steps

  1. Event Approval – Approval for your event must be obtained from our organization to ensure that the event respects the Tri-City Transitions Society Mission, Goals and Values.  Some events that we are not able to support include:
    • Telemarketing, door to door campaigns, vending machines
    • Ideas requiring the acquisition, use or solicitation of our donors, vendors, partners or employees
    • Ideas associated with products or services deemed inappropriate
  2. Register Your Event – To register your event, download the event authorization form and email us once completed. Upon approval of your event, you will be provided with an official letter of endorsement, authorizing you to host your event on behalf of our organization.
  3. Ensure that you have read and follow the event guidelines set out for hosting an event for Tri- City Transitions Society.
  4. After the Event – Within 30 days of the event completion proceeds must be forwarded to our agency. Cheques are to be made to Tri-City Transitions Society, 402 – 2071 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam, V3C 6N2
Tri-City Transistions volunteer

Event Guidelines

If you are hosting an event for Tri-City Transitions Society, there are specific guidelines in place.

The Event Guidelines are as follows –

  • Events must follow Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, especially with respect to guidelines on tax receipts and B.C. Gaming & Liquor Commission licences.
  • If deemed necessary, events must secure appropriate public liability insurance and indemnify Tri-City Transitions Society for all damages, costs, and expenses arising from the event.
  • Tri-City Transitions Society will not assume any costs or financial liability for the event
  • Tri-City Transitions Society will not assume any legal or public liability for the event
  • Due to FOIP guidelines, Tri-City Transitions Society is unable to share mailing lists, donor or client information.
  • Tri-City Transitions Society reserves the right to ask you to remove our name from your event and all associated print material should your event contravene our Mission, Vision or Values.
Tri-City Transistions Support

Event Application

Please complete the Event Application and email us to get started in hosting an event for Tri-City Transitions Society.

If you have any questions regarding the event hosting process or application, please feel free to visit or contact us:

402 – 2071 Kingsway Ave
Port Coquitlam, V3C 6N2
Call Us
Email Us

Tri-City Transistions Organize an Event