Tri-City Transitions

Parallel Parenting – Co-Parenting Stronger

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News Release

For Immediate Release


Tri-City Transitions Society has launched a Parallel Parenting – Co-Parenting Stronger Program focused on reducing conflict between parents by dramatically altering the way parents communicate between themselves in front of their children.

Divorce doesn’t mess kids up – conflict does.  Children need their parents to continue to contribute to their care and upbringing after separation.  Further, children have the right to expect their parents and caregivers to work together, whenever possible, to ensure the child’s needs are met.

PARALLEL PARENTING – CO-PARENTING STRONGER supplements the Province’s “Parenting After Separation” program, focused on ‘creating’ and ‘implementing’ RESPECTFUL COMMUNICATION between parents in the BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD.

Parents learn about their legal rights and obligations and will develop a parenting agreement which will serve as a blue print for future, respectful communication.

“Parallel parenting” is defined as “parenting independently from each other.”  Altering communication patterns may shift their attitudes and reduce conflict, allowing their child to develop a healthy relationship with each parent, without being caught in the middle.

The project includes a series of four 2-hour workshops; each workshop session includes a co-hort of Moms and Dads. Couples will be separated in the workshops. Two professional/mediation/ facilitators, trained in family dynamics will lead each group. Participants will also draft a parenting agreement with the assistance of mediators.

The target population for the workshops is parents in continuing conflict drawing participants from the   Fraser Health Authority region and Provincial Court jurisdictions within Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley and the Supreme Court in New Westminster.

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