Seniors and COVID
We are going through some unprecedented times experiencing the COVID 19 pandemic. This epidemic has affected us all in many ways. Many of us are feeling sad, stressed, anxious, scared and confused. We have been advised to practice physical distancing to help control the spread of the virus which has resulted in social distancing. We adapted creative ways to connect with our loved ones through Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime etc. The population that has suffered the most is our seniors. Physical distancing has created isolation and loneliness among them. Some of them have lost their regular routines which might be going to gym, recreation centers or a visit to the park. These are great places for socialization and provides a means to stay active and engaged. However the fear of COVID have imprisoned them in their own homes and away from their loved ones. The restrictions are easing in BC; the care homes are allowed to open for visitors, the recreation centers and malls are also accommodating their needs for having an early hour for seniors. We can all do our part by reaching out and connecting with them by calling, video-conferencing, sending an e-card, email or letter. Let’s not forget the people who need our support the most.